Jazz, our special little boy - A Tribute
On Thursday, April 2, 1998, this beautiful black and white tuxedo kitty, our boy Jazz, was sent up on the elevator by someone to where we lived on the 17th floor of our apartment building. Our neighbour Roy found him wandering in the hallway when he went to walk his dog. He knocked on our door to see if he might be ours. The minute I spoke to this little guy, he rolled on his back and wanted his belly rubbed. I was in love! Jazz came in and stayed. There is a saying in our home; "when an animal crosses our threshold, they stay for life. That is our rule".
Our vet at the time estimated Jazz to be about two years of age. We dedicated October 1, 1996 as his birthday.
Jazz is our little comic with a coat as soft as a chinchilla.
He always brings a smile to our face, and especially when we are in need of it. We absolutely adore him!
Jazz loved to play hide and seek with his mum. He would sneak up to a corner, peak around it and then run past as fast as he could so he wouldn't get caught. If we jumped out and said "boo!", he would casually strut away as though he knew we were there all the time and it was no surprise at all.
Very funny indeed! hehehehehe
He always brings a smile to our face, and especially when we are in need of it. We absolutely adore him!
Jazz loved to play hide and seek with his mum. He would sneak up to a corner, peak around it and then run past as fast as he could so he wouldn't get caught. If we jumped out and said "boo!", he would casually strut away as though he knew we were there all the time and it was no surprise at all.
Very funny indeed! hehehehehe
Jazz has had a few nicknames over the years. When he was very young he was known as the "Pinball Wizard". He could puck handle anything that hit the floor and shoot it the opposite direction with the speed of light. He would pick up a plastic water bottle lid, his paws so hand-like, and send it flying across the room and under the stove or sofa where neither he nor Tango could retrieve it from. He knew there was always another lid we would give him to take its place. They both loved the zip sound of the plastic when removing the security seal from the plastic lid of juice or water. They would run like crazy - ready for more fun! Every now and then we moved the sofa and stove to return the treasure trove of balls, trinkets and play toys. It was like Christmas again for them!
When Jazz was fairly new to our home, one of the things he loved to do was to jump up onto the top of the glass sliding shower doors in the bathroom. The rattle and bang when he landed and the doors vibrated was so unsettling as we were fearful he would fall, but he was extremely sure-footed and always without incident.
He also liked to jump from the dresser to the top of the bedroom to sit and look around.
He also liked to jump from the dresser to the top of the bedroom to sit and look around.
Jazz loved water. If the shower was on, often he got half into the it with us! And he especially loved to drink from the kitchen tap when we let it barely run. First he would put his paw in the water and then slowly he bent his head to get his tongue and mouth under it to drink. Often water sprayed to wet his face, but he did not care. So cute!!!
We believe that Jazz thinks he is part dog; he fetches extremely well. When really young, he loved his red sponge ball and most nights he would get us to throw it over and over while we sat on the sofa watching television. Back then, this could go on for as long as an hour! When he aged a few years, he gave it up.
Update - Since his friend Tango transitioned in 2012, he is back fetching and he has not lost his touch. Now he has a little yellow sponge ball, along with many other colour selections.
Update - Since his friend Tango transitioned in 2012, he is back fetching and he has not lost his touch. Now he has a little yellow sponge ball, along with many other colour selections.
Remember the childhood game "Monkey in the Middle"? We would throw the ball to each other with Jazz in the middle. He loved it! He could jump pretty and quite often hooked the ball with a claw as it flew past. Off he would run with it. Then it was our turn to be the monkeys in the middle!
One morning while getting ready for work, Jazz arrived in the bathroom with the red ball in his mouth. He marched up to the toilet, placed his front paws onto the seat, dropped the ball into the toilet bowl and looked at me waiting for me to retrieve
it for him.
I let the ball float in the toilet for awhile and began encouraging him to get it out himself, which, after a few minutes he did. When he first tried, it was like he was bobbing for apples; the ball bounced all over the place, but he got it!
He is such a smart boy. Absolutely the cutest!!!
He was the "play machine"!
it for him.
I let the ball float in the toilet for awhile and began encouraging him to get it out himself, which, after a few minutes he did. When he first tried, it was like he was bobbing for apples; the ball bounced all over the place, but he got it!
He is such a smart boy. Absolutely the cutest!!!
He was the "play machine"!

He loved to play with and carry the ball around (click on coloured link to view video).
Have I mentioned how much he loves to be vacuumed? See video on the "Forever Memories" page of this website.
Many years ago I wrote the following words for our little Jazz to go with the tune of the old song called "Mr. Sandman". He was affectionately known as the "Jazzman" - it goes like this:
"Mr. Jazzman sing me a tune,
something about the stars and the moon,
something that twinkles, something that shines,
you are the coolest cat of all times".
Many years ago I wrote the following words for our little Jazz to go with the tune of the old song called "Mr. Sandman". He was affectionately known as the "Jazzman" - it goes like this:
"Mr. Jazzman sing me a tune,
something about the stars and the moon,
something that twinkles, something that shines,
you are the coolest cat of all times".
Jazz had his favourite treats also. We lovingly called him the "bread monster". He could smell a piece of bread or bread bun a mile away and we always had to share a small piece
of it with him. When new to our home, one day while unpacking our shopping, he pulled a loaf of bread off the counter and thought he would claim it as his own! Hahahahaha
Then there were spicy jalapeno potato chips. He loved to lick my chips whenever I ate the spicy ones, which was quite often! If they were not spicy, he showed no interest.
During Christmas 1999, before Tango came to our family,
Jazz went on a little road trip with us to Calgary, Alberta to visit his auntie Shari and uncle Ken. He loved his hotel stay in the king size bed and playing with his canine and kitty
nephews and nieces. Such a great little traveller!
of it with him. When new to our home, one day while unpacking our shopping, he pulled a loaf of bread off the counter and thought he would claim it as his own! Hahahahaha
Then there were spicy jalapeno potato chips. He loved to lick my chips whenever I ate the spicy ones, which was quite often! If they were not spicy, he showed no interest.
During Christmas 1999, before Tango came to our family,
Jazz went on a little road trip with us to Calgary, Alberta to visit his auntie Shari and uncle Ken. He loved his hotel stay in the king size bed and playing with his canine and kitty
nephews and nieces. Such a great little traveller!
Jazz has always been a very well-adjusted boy, but he does miss his little buddy Tango very much. He was our "Mr. Mom" as he bathed Tango almost daily from the first day she came into our lives. He was such a gentle little soul!!!!!
Beginning late Fall of 2012, we knew that his age was catching up to him. Jazz was drinking more water then usual and losing a little weight, all signs of kidney disease for which there
is no cure.
Jazz never did look his age. He was so young looking, no grey hair and no arthritis that even the vet was amazed. He could jump up onto the bed with complete ease and, like a contortionist, get deep into the toilet to drink. This was another favourite thing for him to do.
Jazz continued living a happy and normal life until mid-October 2013, right after celebrating his 17th birthday on October 1st.
is no cure.
Jazz never did look his age. He was so young looking, no grey hair and no arthritis that even the vet was amazed. He could jump up onto the bed with complete ease and, like a contortionist, get deep into the toilet to drink. This was another favourite thing for him to do.
Jazz continued living a happy and normal life until mid-October 2013, right after celebrating his 17th birthday on October 1st.
Suddenly, Jazz stopped eating and drinking. The vet came to our home, and although he was sure it was his kidneys, did a blood test to ensure it was not being complicated by something additional. The results showed an extreme advanced stage of kidney disease with everything else normal. We were devastated, to say the least - this could not be!!!
So stoic to not show any dire symptoms until the very end!
So stoic to not show any dire symptoms until the very end!
Jazz was daddy's boy and he loved him so very, very much and stuck so close to him. Their evening ritual has always been for Gary to turn off the lights to relax on the sofa before retiring. As soon as the lights were out Jazz would jump onto the sofa to cuddle.
It wasn't until later in the evening, when Gary came to bed, that would Jazz sleep with me, and always on my pillow wrapped around my head.
The appetite stimulant/anti-nausea pill the vet had us give to Jazz daily worked very well the first week. He ate a lot during that time, but as of November 2nd, he went off his food again
and his health was declining greatly.
It wasn't until later in the evening, when Gary came to bed, that would Jazz sleep with me, and always on my pillow wrapped around my head.
The appetite stimulant/anti-nausea pill the vet had us give to Jazz daily worked very well the first week. He ate a lot during that time, but as of November 2nd, he went off his food again
and his health was declining greatly.
That night as he cuddled with Gary on the sofa, he looked into Jazz's eyes - the message was that it was time.
Gary was reminded of an incident that happened approximately a week prior when he awoke in the night by the weight of a cat half lying on his head. He sat up to say, "Jazz, you can't lie on my head buddy", but there was no cat on his pillow. Jazz was actually asleep in his basket in the living room. The only cat that I know that slept like that on a pillow at night was Tango, as she slept with me like that nightly. It was a message to Gary that she had come to meet Jazz to accompany him across the Rainbow Bridge (see poem below).
Gary was reminded of an incident that happened approximately a week prior when he awoke in the night by the weight of a cat half lying on his head. He sat up to say, "Jazz, you can't lie on my head buddy", but there was no cat on his pillow. Jazz was actually asleep in his basket in the living room. The only cat that I know that slept like that on a pillow at night was Tango, as she slept with me like that nightly. It was a message to Gary that she had come to meet Jazz to accompany him across the Rainbow Bridge (see poem below).
Jazz was a very sick little boy, but very stoic - a "man's man", so gentle and loving.
Monday, November 4, 2013, Jazz spent time cuddling with his loved ones before the vet arrived at our home. It was unimaginable to think that soon we would be living our life without him.
Monday, November 4, 2013, Jazz spent time cuddling with his loved ones before the vet arrived at our home. It was unimaginable to think that soon we would be living our life without him.
Later that afternoon, at home, Jazz left his physical body and transitioned to spirit. After the vet left, we held a ceremony to honour and bid our little sweetie a good-bye before
making our trip to
Until We Meet Again Pet Memorial Centre.
making our trip to
Until We Meet Again Pet Memorial Centre.
"Jazz, today, we say Good-bye to you dear one, God-speed.
We thank you for your love.
We thank you for choosing us.
We thank you for the joy we have experienced through you.
We thank you for the look in your eyes.
We thank you for the touch and feel of your body.
We thank you for the pleasure of watching you move.
We thank you for your sounds.
We thank you for your traits that we have so come to love.
We thank you for your loyalty.
We thank you for your compassion.
We thank you for your companionship.
We thank you for your endlessly generous spirit.
We thank you for sharing your life with us.
We thank you for trusting us.
We thank you for touching so many hearts around the world.
We thank you for the lessons learned by virtue of our having been in each others lives.
We thank you for the knowing, that even though we are now saying “goodbye” and acknowledging our willingness to let you go, it is a paradox of life, that having let you go, you will nevertheless be with us always."
~~ Elizabeth Severino~~
We thank you for your love.
We thank you for choosing us.
We thank you for the joy we have experienced through you.
We thank you for the look in your eyes.
We thank you for the touch and feel of your body.
We thank you for the pleasure of watching you move.
We thank you for your sounds.
We thank you for your traits that we have so come to love.
We thank you for your loyalty.
We thank you for your compassion.
We thank you for your companionship.
We thank you for your endlessly generous spirit.
We thank you for sharing your life with us.
We thank you for trusting us.
We thank you for touching so many hearts around the world.
We thank you for the lessons learned by virtue of our having been in each others lives.
We thank you for the knowing, that even though we are now saying “goodbye” and acknowledging our willingness to let you go, it is a paradox of life, that having let you go, you will nevertheless be with us always."
~~ Elizabeth Severino~~
Jazz.....our home is so empty.
You are no longer at the door to meet us after work - our "greeter" is gone.
You are not here to cuddle with and to keep us warm.
My pillow at night is empty without you sleeping on it with me.
Less than a month ago I remember waking in the night to feel your wet little nose pressed against my cheek as you cuddled close to me on my pillow. I could hear and feel you breathing softly. How I loved it!!!
I remember smiling, feeling comforted by you, as it lulled me back to sleep.
We miss our little chats with you, and the absolute pleasure of your company. You were such a grounder.
Our sweetheart little boy Jazz, oh how you are missed my darling! We are absolutely heartbroken without you. I refuse to say good-bye - this is not the end - we will be together again when we reach the spirit world ourselves!
Thank you for the love, joy, healing, companionship and so much more that you brought into our lives the last 15 years.
Thank you for everything, and thank you for always being here with us and for us!!! We know in our hearts that you will visit.
Baby Jazz, how will we live without you?
You are no longer at the door to meet us after work - our "greeter" is gone.
You are not here to cuddle with and to keep us warm.
My pillow at night is empty without you sleeping on it with me.
Less than a month ago I remember waking in the night to feel your wet little nose pressed against my cheek as you cuddled close to me on my pillow. I could hear and feel you breathing softly. How I loved it!!!
I remember smiling, feeling comforted by you, as it lulled me back to sleep.
We miss our little chats with you, and the absolute pleasure of your company. You were such a grounder.
Our sweetheart little boy Jazz, oh how you are missed my darling! We are absolutely heartbroken without you. I refuse to say good-bye - this is not the end - we will be together again when we reach the spirit world ourselves!
Thank you for the love, joy, healing, companionship and so much more that you brought into our lives the last 15 years.
Thank you for everything, and thank you for always being here with us and for us!!! We know in our hearts that you will visit.
Baby Jazz, how will we live without you?
~~"Without You"~~
No I can't forget this evening,
Or your face as you were leaving.
But I guess that's just the way the story goes.
You always smile, but in your eyes your sorrow shows.
Yes it shows.
No I can't forget tomorrow,
When I think of all my sorrow,
When I had you there, but then I let you go.
And now it's only fair that I should let you know
What you should know
I can't live, if living is without you.
I can't give, I can't give any more.
Can't live, if living is without you.
Can't give, I can't give any more.
No I can't forget this evening,
Or your face as you were leaving.
But I guess that's just the way the story goes.
You always smile but in your eyes your sorrow shows.
Yes it shows.
I can't live, if living is without you.
I can't give, I can't give any more.
Can't live, if living is without you.
Can't give, I can't give any more.
I can't live, if living is without you.
I can't give, I can't give any more.
Can't live, if living is without you.
Can't give, I can't give any more.
No I can't forget this evening,
Or your face as you were leaving.
But I guess that's just the way the story goes.
You always smile, but in your eyes your sorrow shows.
Yes it shows.
No I can't forget tomorrow,
When I think of all my sorrow,
When I had you there, but then I let you go.
And now it's only fair that I should let you know
What you should know
I can't live, if living is without you.
I can't give, I can't give any more.
Can't live, if living is without you.
Can't give, I can't give any more.
No I can't forget this evening,
Or your face as you were leaving.
But I guess that's just the way the story goes.
You always smile but in your eyes your sorrow shows.
Yes it shows.
I can't live, if living is without you.
I can't give, I can't give any more.
Can't live, if living is without you.
Can't give, I can't give any more.
I can't live, if living is without you.
I can't give, I can't give any more.
Can't live, if living is without you.
Can't give, I can't give any more.

You and Tango are together again.
Fly with the angels little ones.
View Jazz's rose candle memorial here
You have taken a piece of our heart with you.
We will always love you sweetheart!!! xxxxxooooo
R.I.P. our sweet little boy.
You and Tango are together again.
Fly with the angels little ones.
View Jazz's rose candle memorial here
You have taken a piece of our heart with you.
We will always love you sweetheart!!! xxxxxooooo
R.I.P. our sweet little boy.
Today, Friday, November 8, Jazz arrived home to stay from the Pet Memorial Centre.
While at the Centre, Gary hung a lovingly inscribed tribute card for both Jazz and Tango on the Tree of Light.
While at the Centre, Gary hung a lovingly inscribed tribute card for both Jazz and Tango on the Tree of Light.
Jazz's memorial table will remain in place and his candle will burn until the end of Monday, November 11 (one full week), and after that, it will burn in our hearts forever. At that time, he will be laid to rest in his permanent location within our home and close to Tango.
"God looked around his garden and found an empty place.
He then looked down upon the earth, and saw your tired face.
He put His arms around you, and lifted you to rest.
God's garden must be beautiful,
He always takes the best."
He then looked down upon the earth, and saw your tired face.
He put His arms around you, and lifted you to rest.
God's garden must be beautiful,
He always takes the best."
(The following beautiful heartfelt poem was sent to me by a co-worker/friend)
Rainbow Bridge
"Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends, so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food and water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigour; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing: they miss someone very special to them who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. The bright eyes are intent; the eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to break away from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together."
Author - Anon
Rainbow Bridge
"Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends, so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food and water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigour; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing: they miss someone very special to them who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. The bright eyes are intent; the eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to break away from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together."
Author - Anon
This website born on April 1, 2012
This website born on April 1, 2012